Kendo armor specifications – Kote –


Kendo armor have various specifications.

It reflects the commitment and ingenuity of the creator, but it's also interesting to think about your favorite specifications of the kendo armor.

Please use this article as a reference when you purchase kendo armor.

Specification of Kote

Tenouchi -palm parts of kote-

Cha-sikagawa (brown deer leather)
Deerskin that has been smoked to increase its strength, and is the most orthodox specification.

Shiro-sikagawa (white deer leather)
You can experience the original softness of deerskin by not smoking it, and it's a specification that makes it easy to grip.

In general, the strength is inferior to smoked deerskin.

Artificial leather
This specification is mainly used for cost reduction, but it also has features such as high strength against sweat and abrasion, and is supported by people who sweat a lot and students.

Today, there are some that are quite close to the feel of deer leather.


It's also called “Namako”, and it's the part that acts as a cushion between the leather on the fingertips and the wrist.

The single layered one is orthodox, and the double layered one is said to look luxurious, but it can be said that the durability is slightly inferior due to the large number of sutures.

There are also Kote that don't have Kera because they are child-sized or have a different concept in the first place.


This is the cloth on the inside of Kote, which is in direct contact with the back of the hand.

Momen (cotton)
This specification is characterized by a smooth texture, and sweat dries quickly.

It's characterized by its fluffy texture, and is often used in high-end products.

Synthetic fibers
It's similar to Uchiwa of Men, and depending on the desired functionality, it may be superior, but it may not match the atmosphere of Tezashi armor.

Anko (Stuffing)

The stuffing inside Kote is the key to absorbing the impact from the strike.

Shika-ge (deer hair)
Deer hair is a traditional material used in Kote-making, and the hollow structure provides excellent cushioning and breathability (sweat removal).

It will break down little by little with use, so it will fit in your hands as you use it.

However, when the volume is reduced, it is necessary to refill the hair (not frequent).

Low-priced Kote uses cotton such as polyester.
The cushioning properties are not significantly inferior to deer hair, but it will be difficult to experience the fit of deer hair.


High design can be achieved by attaching leather decorations called Yukiwa and Kumo-kazari.

In addition, threads are added for decoration and to prevent uneven stuffing, but this also makes a difference in the design.

There is a unique specification of Kote called "yakko".

This is based on Orizashi and has some leather reinforcements to improve durability, giving it a rugged look like armor.


In this article, we have looked at the detailed specifications of Kote.

Some of you reading this may find it difficult to obtain kendo armor, so please use this as a reference when purchasing.

It's a dream for all Kendo practitioners to be able to practice with their favorite armor.

Welcome to the profound world of kendo armor.

I hope you find this article helpful.


